ansible-role-cfssl ================== Installes CFSSL (CloudFlare's PKI toolkit) binaries and generate certificate : - Self Signed Root CA - CA Signed Client Certificates Role Variables -------------- ``` #Specifies the version of CFSSL toolkit we want to download and use cfssl_version: "1.6.3" # The directory where CFSSL binaries will be installed cfssl_bin_directory: /usr/bin # The CA directory where we will store CA, and Client certificates/keys. pki_dir: /opt/cfssl # The Certificates Key Algos for both CA and Client certificates. pki_key: algo: rsa size: 4096 # The CA Certificate Object and the default Client Certificate Object. pki_names: - C: FR L: 'Paris' O: 'Acme' OU: IT pki_ca: cname: My Internal Certification Authority # The properties of the CA pki_ca: cname: My Internal Certification Authority expiry: 262800h (30 Years) # The properties of the Intermediate CA pki_intermediate_ca: cname: My Intermediate Internal Certification Authority expiry: 262800h (30 Years) ```